Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mara at Night

Posted by Susan (no night photos)

We took a nighttime game drive to give us a totally different perspective of the park. The three of us had a staff of three (driver, spotter and guard with rifle) to drive us around for two ½ hours. It was colder than usual and we were wearing as many clothes as possible and I lifted a heavyweight beach towel to help bundle up the ailing Luanne. This was the worst day of her head cold and sore throat and she finally decided to take some antibiotics.

We viewed the nocturnal animals that are usually not out in the daytime for assorted reasons. We saw a pride of lions stalking their dinner but we were happy we did not see the kill itself. We saw the cowardly hyena’s; both spotted and striped Mongooses, hippos, foxes, jackals, hares (everyone’s favorite appetizer), assorted birds with night vision, zebra’s, buffalos in a heard and what is called the retired generals (those older lone males kicked out of the pack by the young bucks), other assorted hoofed animals and giraffes.

Besides the cold, we all thought this was a great adventure and we learned about a whole different group of animals and their habits. I often wonder what the animals are observing us as we watch through binoculars and cameras and what their blog post would say…perhaps someday a chimpanzee will be able to do just that.

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